There are eight “official”/”office bearer” positions within TNT, which are held by playing members on a voluntary, unpaid basis:
- Administrator/General Manager
- Assistant to the Administrator/General Manager
- Co-ordinator/Selector x 2 for Section One
- Co-ordinator/Selector x 2 for Section Two
- Co-ordinator/Selector x 2 for Section Three
Refer CONTACTS for current officials.
Administer and manage TNT in an overall capacity.
No nonsense approach. Strict but fair. Expects compliance with our esprit de corps and rules and support from the Selectors for this approach. Actively supports the Selectors/Co-ordinators.
Promote and maintain the TNT Esprit de Corps – encourage a high standard of tennis for TNT within the over-arching framework of good sportsmanship, loyalty, commitment, reliability and camaraderie.
Respond to requests and enquiries from TNT players, emergencies, members of the public and other organisations.
Bring the different elements of TNT into a relationship that will ensure efficiency and harmony.
Provide, maintain, organise and promote tennis and other social and recreational activities and facilities for TNT members and their guests.
Consult, liaise and negotiate with Dendy Park Tennis Club and others as necessary to provide facilities, equipment, goods, etc. for our TNT competition.
Organise and set fixture.
Organise and set Try Out night.
Prepare Team Sheets and court allocation prior to start of play each Tuesday night.
Budget and set fees.
Receive fee payments and reconcile accounts.
Invest and deal with the money of TNT for the benefit of TNT.
Maintain and update the TNT website as necessary to ensure it reflects current rules, information, etc.
Ensure compliance with Dendy Park’s rules of conduct and behaviour.
Ensure compliance with Victorian Government laws of Conduct in Sport.
Communicate the procedures and policies, monitor ongoing activity, direct and recommend action to adjust deficiencies and prepare various reports.
Address disciplinary matters and Issue sanctions.
Assist and support Co-ordinators/Selectors and Assistant.
Ensure timely and informative communication of the above with stakeholders.
Main Webmaster.
Maintain and update the TNT website as necessary including weekly Team Scores and Individual Performance statistics.
Attend and actively be involved in Try Out evening [and other evenings by arrangement] to grade potential new players and obtain contact details.
Consult and liaise with other sections to accommodate movement between sections – existing players rising in the ranks and needing to be accommodated in a higher section [or vice versa to a lower section].
Select players, rank them and choose teams whilst allowing for movement between sections.
Generally co-ordinate a section of players and actively promote harmony not only within his own section but collectively between all sections for the common good of TNT consistent with the TNT Esprit de Corps.
Respond to requests and enquiries from players in his section including emergencies.
Generally be involved in the promotion of TNT to attract new players.
Organise and promote social and recreational activities for his section including end of season get together.
Ensure score details are correctly filled out and communicated to Administrator.
Ensure contact details are up to date and communicated to Administrator.
Address disciplinary matters.
Liaise with, support and assist the Administrator in a timely manner including assisting the Administrator with disciplinary matters and the issue of sanctions.
People eligible to vote and nominate for the official positions are:
- existing paid up players who intend to play next season.
- players who played last season and who have expressed their intention to return to play but for whatever reason are on temporary approved leave of absence
Nominations for official positions will be called for in December 2021.